Please find below links to a consultation on NHS services that Enable East has been independently commissioned to run on behalf of Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group. Mid Essex CCG spends approx. £420m a year to help the local population stay well. However, the CCG has a financial deficit and needs to make £15.7 million … Read More
NHS Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
Volunteering Opportunities on Patient Reference Groups at Mid Essex CCG
As part of the way the NHS Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (MECCG) is reshaping the way they engage with local communities they have the following voluntary opportunities on their Patient Reference Group (PRG). There are two ways you, or someone you know, can get involved. They are looking for volunteers who live, work or use health services … Read More
Are you #SteppingUp to create a stronger City? Look forward to seeing you at High Chelmer Shopping Centre 27-30 January
#SteppingUp to create a stronger City A new campaign comes to Chelmsford on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday next week (January 27-30) focusing on how local people can ‘step up’ to create stronger communities. The #SteppingUp campaign puts the spotlight on five simple steps people can take which can have a hugely beneficial effect personally, … Read More