Support & Fundraising
Chelmsford CVS can help you with information and support on all aspects of setting up and running a voluntary or community group, including choosing a legal structure or insurance, fundraising, voluntary sector management, marketing, managing your group’s money, drawing up policies and best practice procedures.
We have a wide range of information and resources available at Burgess Well House, including a specialist voluntary sector library. We also have some guidance available through the pages of this website.
If you are involved with a local charity or community group – or thinking of setting one up – please do get in touch. And if we don’t know the answer, we probably know somebody who does! You can call us on 01245 351888 or email
Through partnership with Voluntary Sector Training we offer access to affordable formal training. Click here to find out more.
Guidance & Information
We have a range of online resource and downloadable documents to support voluntary & community organisations.
We have a document library containing information on a wide range of subjects and areas to help and support local organisations, including information sheets, template documents and outline policies. This is being added to all the time.
To gain access to this protected page, please click here for a unique password. This link will redirect you to your email account, just click send and we shall respond with your access code. If the link fails to redirect, please email and leave the subject & body blank.

We are able offer charities and community groups within the Chelmsford District help with your fundraising.
Whether your voluntary organisation needs just a few hundred pound or thousands of pounds, this is the best place to start. Raising funds is a very daunting task with approximately only one in ten funding applications being successful! We don’t give out money or write the application for you, but we can give free access to tools, skills, tips and techniques that you can use to significantly improve your chances of fundraising success.
Funding help sheets are available to download here. We also have a number of publications in our library that you can borrow, and we feature funding opportunities in our quarterly newsletter, here on our website, and in our weekly e-bulletin to CVS members. If you are struggling to achieve success with your funding applications please do call us on 01245 351888.
Funding Central is a free website for charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. They list hundreds of funding and finance opportunities. Click here to view their website.
We can offer free online access to over 4,000 trusts and foundations. If you would like to book an appointment to access this software please contact us on 01245 351888.
For the past five years the Centre has been funded by Big Lottery to offer intensive one-to-one fundraising support which has directly facilitated local groups to raise in excess of £1.5 million of external funding. This funding has now ended but you can read more about the successes of the project here.