The huge upswell of community action in response to Coronavirus is being celebrated in a new campaign celebrating the Spirit of Chelmsford.
Chelmsford CVS – the leading voluntary support organisation for the city and its surrounding areas – has launched the Spirit of Chelmsford, honouring the help given to our communities during the pandemic.
The Mayor of Chelmsford is already giving out hundreds of Chelmsford CVS’s Community Volunteer badges to individuals on their doorsteps to thank them for their support.
Nominate Your Local Stars!
Chelmsford CVS is now seeking nominations of any business, voluntary group or charity – big or small. If they are helping during these unprecedented times, let us know.
Lorraine Jarvis, Chief Officer, said: “There has been an upsurge of community spirit as a result of Coronavirus. It has been inspiring and humbling to see. We want to ensure everyone who is helping our communities is recognised in some way and thanked.
“The support has continued through the second national lockdown and individuals, groups and businesses have again stepped up as needs change and the availability of volunteers change because of furlough. This community support is particularly important as we go into winter under Tier 2 restrictions.
“Spirit of Chelmsford celebrates the thriving community spirit in our area, shows the valuable difference it makes and goes some way to say a heartfelt thank you.”
Incredible Local Resposne
Among those who are coordinating an incredible local response, encapsulating the Spirit of Chelmsford, are the Danbury Coronavirus Volunteer Group.
Liz Hiscock, Projects Leader for the Group, said: “The response to our call to the community in Danbury to volunteer during the Covid19 pandemic has been overwhelming. In the midst of some very difficult and challenging times we are so proud of our neighbours.
“We have 152 lovely people on our register, helping in a variety of ways with compassion and good humour. Alongside this, the volunteers themselves have commented upon how rewarding it has been to them to get involved. And I am sure many lasting friendships have been made.”
Chelmsford Mayor Councillor Jude Deakin said: “Many people have just got on with helping each other. Setting up street meets to keep connected with each other or perhaps delivering shopping to neighbours. Let the CVS know what you have been doing or perhaps you know a local group, neighbour, local pub or café that has been quietly helping out a vulnerable person. Help us to shine a light on these kindnesses.”
If you know a charity, group or business that has helped their community during Coronavirus then please contact us! You can find out more about the campaign here.