“One of my key duties as Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex is to put together the strategic plan for the policing of our county in the interests of the public.For me, safe and secure communities are the bedrock on which we build success and well being for all.
The new Police and Crime Plan is relevant to all our lives. During my election campaign and since becoming PCC, I have listened to the people of our county. They are clear that more local, visible and accessible policing, and being tough on Anti-Social Behaviour are vitally important. This was reinforced at my first public meeting as PCC, held in Grays, where two Thurrock mothers made powerful and courageous comments about the impact of ASB on their families. These are the first two priorities in the new Plan, and mark a commitment to refocus some police resources in these important areas.
Some priorities build on the existing Police and Crime Plan, such as being tough on domestic abuse and improving the safety of our roads. Two further priorities highlight crucial work on increasingly important challenges: reversing the trend in serious violence, and tackling gangs and organised crime.
Finally, protecting children and vulnerable people will be a core priority. This will involve the police bringing criminals to justice and a drive to prevent crime and abuse from happening in the first place.
I want to hear your views. During September and early October 2016, I will be seeking your thoughts on the draft Police and Crime Plan through meetings, online engagement, and a dedicated address for correspondence.
Your insights will be taken into consideration as the Police and Crime Plan is developed further, so please take part in the online survey, attend one of our public meetings, or contact me with your thoughts at the dedicated email address.
Online survey
policeandcrimeplan2016@essex.pnn.police.ukYou can also write to:
Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex
3 Hoffmanns Way
Essex CM1 1GU”
The engagement process for the new Police and Crime Plan will end on October 7, 2016. An updated Police and Crime Plan will be taken to the Police and Crime Panel for their final comments at the end of October. It is anticipated that the new Police and Crime Plan for Essex will come into effect in early November 2016.
The full schedule of PCC public meetings can be seen here: