Foster carers with Essex County Council help build better, brighter futures for hundreds of children across Essex every year. Could you provide a loving, safe, stable home and a nurturing environment to support the most vulnerable children in our county grow in confidence and achieve their potential? You don’t need any specific qualifications to foster, … Read More
Spare Change or Real Change?
When we see someone in distress, our first instinct is to help. Giving spare change seems like a kind, easy way to help. But it’s often the opposite. Every person begging has a different story to tell. People end up on the street through all kinds of problems, often building up over years. At some … Read More
New Reablement at Home service | Supporting people to live more independently in their own homes
A new service has launched in mid Essex and across the county offering people in our area the chance to get back their independence as soon as possible after receiving hospital or community care. Reablement at Home is designed to be the first port of call for everyone who needs some support in day-to-day living … Read More