A new service has launched in mid Essex and across the county offering people in our area the chance to get back their independence as soon as possible after receiving hospital or community care.

Reablement at Home is designed to be the first port of call for everyone who needs some support in day-to-day living after they leave the care of a hospital or a community service.

Dr Caroline Dollery, Chair of Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said:

“The new Reablement at Home service is strongly based on the right outcome for patients, helping them to live independently again after spending some time in hospital or avoiding admission altogether.

“We are very pleased to see this joint service launch and we are confident patients who need Reablement at Home can still expect high-quality services.”

Reablement at Home gives discharged patients support as they readjust to life at home and is based around the right outcome for each person who receives it.

Instead of having to rely on long-term carers, every adult who needs support could receive up to six weeks’ support, getting back the confidence and skills they need to stay in their own home on their own terms.

This support could come from physiotherapists, occupational therapists or home care support workers, depending on each person’s individual needs. Patients with an urgent need can get an immediate referral on a priority telephone line, meaning they can start getting support within two hours.

Patients who are eligible for the service will be referred into it by the hospital, their GP or community care provider. The service is intended to be available for everyone identified as needing reablement support.

Important Notes:

1.    Essex County Council led procurement of the new Reablement at Home service through a competitive tender last year. Contracts were awarded late in February on behalf of each CCG in the county. Allied Healthcare will be providing Reablement at Home in mid Essex and the CCG has been working with them to make sure the service meets all service users’ needs

2.    The Reablement at Home service will run for 5 years, from May 2016 until 2021. Commissioners will monitor the service to make sure it meets all its agreed outcome-based goals and patients get the best possible service throughout.

3.    A small number of services previously provided at a local level have been discontinued as a result of Reablement at Home launching. The new service is intended to be comprehensive and with the financial challenge currently facing Essex health and social care, there is no capacity to support duplicated services when these are identified.

4.    Eligibility criteria for Reablement at Home patients are:
·         an adult (18 and over) who has been discharged from hospital and is able to undertake a period of reablement
·         living within Essex boundaries.
·         having the potential to benefit from reablement
·         willing to engage in the reablement process.

5.    Decisions on referrals will be made and the referring health or social care professional informed within two hours, or immediately for cases identified as high priority.

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