We are monitoring the Coronavirus pandemic and taking necessary precautions for staff, volunteers and service users in line with the most up to date advice provided by the World Health Organisation and national bodies.
For the welfare of all we are implementing recommendations in all of our working practices as advised which includes avoiding non-essential face to face meetings. For this reason our volunteer drop in will be closed until further notice. However we are still open for business and will do as much as we can by telephone and virtually.
You can still volunteer by calling 01245 250731 – we can discuss your options
Or you can visit: www.volunteeressex.org.uk
We are working with local Emergency Resilience leads to help co-ordinate community and volunteer responses so please do get in touch if you’d like to help.
Call 01245 351888 for general enquiries.
Call 0300 303 9988 to access social prescribing support
We will update this page as the situation develops. Please follow up to date guidance: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Hi what volunteering opportunities are there in Chelmsford for help with coronavirus?
Hi Raajesh,
You can find more information here: https://chelmsfordcvs.org.uk/covid19-community-response/