Charity update on Tuesday 13 November
All charities, large and small, are exposed to risk.
Trustees are ultimately responsible for managing these risks and for deciding how much risk their charity should take.
Never forget that with risk comes reward! Risk management is about getting the right balance between innovation and change on one hand and the avoidance of shocks and crises on the other – this is not always easy!
In this short session we will explore:
• The role and responsibilities of Trustees for risk management
• A simple ‘How to…’ guide for managing risk in your charity
• The benefits of ‘embracing’ risk management – making it work to your advantage
• Where to go to learn more
The session will be delivered by Colette Dark, Director ALARM. With over 30 years experience, Colette has assisted organisations from many sectors embed robust and practical approaches to risk management. She is most well-known for her expertise in insurance liability risk, local and central government, NGO and Third Sector organisations. A frequent speaker at conferences, she has contributed to several thought leadership publications in risk management. During a long association with the Institute of Risk Management (IRM), she has chaired the institutes training committee, authored accredited training programmes and served on the Board as a non-executive director. In 2016 she was invited to join the Board of Alarm; a membership organisation that supports risk professionals and those that deal with the management of risk within organisations that provide services to, or support, our communities and citizens.
Where: Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Campus
When: Registration, networking, coffee, tea and biscuits from 4pm
Session starts at 4:30pm
Book: Reserve your place with a £5 registration fee here.
All welcome, but please book early as places are limited.
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