The Essex Safeguarding Board have a brand new Training Brochure available. To see the full list of courses on offer click here.
Some of thew upcoming training in Chelmsford includes:
Safeguarding Adult Basic Awareness Training | 23 April
This course is aimed at anyone working with adults in any setting. On completion of this course you will, be aware of legislation relevant to safeguarding, explore what is abuse including signs and symptoms, be familiar with the procedures for reporting abuse, discuss good practice procedures if someone discloses abuse, explore factors that may lead to abusive situations and or poor practice, know how deal with disclosures, preserve evidence and how to record incidents according to policy requirements.
Informal carers and safeguarding | 7 June
This course will look at the role of informal carers, how they can be supported in order to reduce safeguarding concerns as well as dealing with issues that have arisen.
Unwise decision an safeguarding | 21 May
This course will examine the perceived tension in adult safeguarding between the protective element – and people’s rights to control their own lives and choices.