Our Dynamic Sun – free talk at Anglia Ruskin University
Wednesday 1st July 19:00 to 20:00
An Institute of Physics / CSES lecture for the public, presented by Dr Helen Mason of the University of Cambridge
Refreshments available from 18:45
For a poster see: 1st July – Our Dynamic Sun poster
The Sun should be at the peak of its activity cycle, but actually it has been rather feeble. Several solar space observatories have been watching the Sun over the past few years: SoHO, Stereo, Hinode, SDO and most recently IRIS. We now have high spatial and spectral resolution images of the Sun, with a high cadence.
This talk will review what we have learnt about the active Sun, in particular what we know (and don’t yet know!) about solar active regions and flares, and how this solar activity affects the Earth’s environment.
Location: MAB221 Lord Ashcroft Building, Anglia Ruskin University, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford CM1 1SQ
Attendance is free and open to all – no reservation required.
For further information please contact joshua.hopgood@physics.org