Independent Living Survey

To help ensure Essex County Council include the views of Essex residents when they develop plans and deliver services they are asking for your feedback about Independent Living communities.

What are Independent Living Communities?

Independent Living communities are for people who want to enjoy healthy, active and independent lifestyles in their later years.

Anyone can be a resident as long as they are over 55 and live close to an Independent Living development in Essex.  You do not have to need care and or any support services.

Essex County Council want to hear from people in Essex who might consider moving to an Independent Living community, whether currently using health and social care services or not.

The following information leaflet provides further information about Independent Living communities.  Independent Living Leaflet Plain Text

The survey can be completed online by clicking here

A large print version can be viewed here: Independent Living Survey FINAL_10.6.16 V2 Large print (3)

The closing date for this survey is Friday 11 July 2015.

If you wish to complete this survey over the telephone, or require it in an alternative format, or another language please call Healthwatch on 01376 572829 (between 10 am and 2 pm, Mondays-Fridays except public holidays) and they can arrange this.

Healthwatch Essex plays a role at both national and local level to make sure that the views of the public and people who use services are taken into account. As an independent organisation they will help residents who may need this support to complete the survey.

If you have any queries regarding this survey, please contact Lydia Taylor by email at

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