The next Essex Police Challenge Event hosted by the Police and Crime Commissioner will be held at The Epping Forest College, Borders Lane, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3SA on Tuesday 9th June 2015 starting at 7.30pm.
It is a key part of the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner to hold the Chief Constable of Essex to account on behalf of the people of Essex, and to provide opportunities for the public to have a voice in that process. The Essex Police Challenge is a regular event where members of the public can learn about the latest decisions and developments in policing and community safety, and most importantly – ask questions of both the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner about the strategic direction of policing in our county.
The Chief Constable will give an update on the performance of Essex Police. Other topics on the agenda include the night-time economy in the district, travelling criminality and the introduction of the new collaborative police IT system called Athena and how it will assist police in the county. There will also be plenty of time for the audience to ask questions directly of the Chief Constable and PCC.
Both the Police and Crime Commissioner Nick Alston, and the Chief Constable of Essex Police, Stephen Kavanagh, are excited about the opportunity to hold this important debate in Epping Forest, and very much hope local people will come along to ask questions and get involved.
For those who are unable to attend but would like to ask a question, they can submit these in advance via our office via email – and a record of the event will be published on the website shortly afterwards at
Attached is a poster for the event Challenge 9.06.15 Epping
If you have any queries or would like to submit a question to the Police and Crime Commissioner to be included in the event, please email or call on 01245 291 600.