Meet the Shedders
Date: 15 June 2015
Time: 10.00 AM to 4:00 PM
You are warmly invited to join us for the East of England ‘Meeting the Shedders’ gathering at Chelmsford Football Cub on Monday 15 June.
The morning is for leaders of existing Sheds and people wanting to start a new Shed. At lunchtime representatives from organisations interested in supporting Shed development – as funders, referrers of possible shed members etc. – will join the group.
The event, including lunch, is free thanks to funding support from a number of sources and you can be involved in a number of ways:
Booking your places – Book online at the Eventbrite booking page (see below) where you can also find more details. You can book up to 3 – 4 members onto the day, but please include contact details for each named attendee.
For information and/or registration and to contact the organiser go to: