Please see below information received from Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group.
Equality & Diversity – How is NHS Mid Essex Doing?
Date: Monday, 23 March 2015
Time: 5.15 pm – 6.45 pm
Venue: Mid Essex CCG offices, Wren House, Hedgerows Business Park, Chelmsford, CM2 5PF
NHS Mid Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (MECCG) is the local body responsible for planning, commissioning (or buying) and monitoring the quality of your local healthcare.
As the organisation responsible for local NHS services, we have a vision:
“Communities working together to create innovative and sustainable local services, delivering integrated, first class health and social care for all’.
We understand that we have to work harder at ensuring that all communities who use the NHS in mid Essex are better represented.
That’s why we want your opinions and ideas on how we can deliver better outcomes for patients and communities who are vulnerable and harder to reach.
The NHS reviews its performance on equality and diversity via a system called EDS2 (Equality Delivery System). MECCG has four goals under EDS2:
Better health outcomes
- Improved patient access and experience
- A representative and supported workforce
- Inclusive leadership
We have recently completed a self-assessment against ED2S for 2014/15 and would really value your input and views on how we are performing.
We invite you to send a representative to the meeting on March 23rd who will speak on your behalf to offer views and feedback on our performance against our equality and diversity goals.
If you are unable to attend but would like to give feedback, please email Sara at the address below.
Unfortunately, due to the size of the venue, it may be necessary to restrict the number of people attending the meeting, but we will endeavour to ensure that there is appropriate representation.
The CCG’s ED2S self-assessment is available here MECCG EDS2 Self Assessment for your information along with a location map for Wren House here Map to Wren House. Parking will be available on site.
Please email your RSVP, with details of who will attend from your organisation, to Sara O’Connor, Corporate Governance Manager, or telephone 01245 398731 by Wednesday March 18th.