ESF Community Grants Open for Final Round in the East of England

This is the last chance for constituted voluntary and other not-for-profit organisations in the East of England to apply to the European Social Fund Community Grants Fund 2014/15.

TCHC (The Consultancy Home Counties), the administrator for the fund in the East of England, is inviting social enterprises and not-for-profit organisations in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire to apply for grants of up to £15,000.

The funding is aimed at projects that prepare unemployed or economically inactive people between the ages of 19-65 for work. Proposed beneficiaries will be from the hardest to reach communities and experiencing multiple disadvantages to accessing public services.

Local not-for-profit organisations with an annual turnover of less than £300,000 and which employ no more than nine full-time equivalent staff can apply. Organisations already in direct receipt of Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) and/or Skills Funding Agency funding may not apply.

Funding is intended to help learners:

  • Develop basic skills.
  • Obtain work experience, including voluntary work.
  • Access advice on training.
  • Search for jobs.
  • Build their confidence and develop personal skills.
  • Overcome barriers to learning and/or employment.

Priority will be given to projects that target:

  • People with disabilities and health conditions.
  • Lone parents.
  • People aged 50 or over.
  • People from ethnic minorities.
  • Workless adults in under-developed areas and communities.
  • Underrepresented individuals in the labour market organisations.

Funding is also available for capacity building to help voluntary and community organisations obtain quality standard awards and improve the skillset of their staff. Applicants do not have to be a recipient of Community Grants to apply for this.

TCHC would like to see more applications for the final round as there is currently enough funding to support at least 60 new projects across the East of England. TCHC is keen to encourage applications from all not-for-profit groups who feel their projects could make a real difference to the prospects of disadvantaged and unemployed adults.

Groups who may feel that applying for this type of funding is out of their reach will receive support from TCHC.

TCHC Project Administrator Julian G. Wilkinson said:

“We would like it emphasised that TCHC prides itself on providing support throughout the length of projects, either by phone or email”.

All successfully funded projects must be completed by the last working day of the third month from contract start date. It is expected that contracts will start on 7 April 2015 and be completed by 31 July 2015.

Further information can be found on the TCHC website. Or feel free to use the following links:

This is the Community Grants Information sheet:

This link is to download the application form:

This is to the Community Grants flyer:

The deadline for applications is 27 February 2015 (5pm).

Please note that this is the final round of the current funding programme.

Telephone: 01279 648430

Fax:            01279 815997

The Consultancy Home Counties Ltd, Ground floor office, Unit 28, M11 Business Link, Parsonage Lane, Stansted, Essex. CM24 8TY

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