The biggest survey of charities and voluntary organisations of the year has been launched by a coalition of charities to find out more about the help charities need. The survey’s findings will be used to lobby key decision makers and funders about the support charities and voluntary organisations need.
Please join us and take part in this survey. By taking part you will be helping make sure that funders and decision makers know more about your needs. The survey has 20 questions and can be completed in 15 minutes.
Charities involved in this survey are:
Age UK, National Voices, National LGB&T Partnership, Young People’s Health Partnership, NACRO, Action for Prisoners’ Families, Clinks, Disability Partnership, Mental Health Providers Forum, NAVCA, CSV, UK Health Forum, National Housing Federation, FaithAction, Men’s Health Forum, National Children’s Bureau, Race Equality Foundation, Women’s Health and Equality Consortium, Regional Voices, Carers Trust and Carers UK, NCPC, Help the Hospices, Marie Curie, VODG, NCF, Sue Ryder, Disability Rights UK, Shaping Our Lives and CHANGE.
(Voluntary and community sector Strategic Partners of the Department of Health, Public Health England and NHS England).