YMCA Chelmsford is continuing to provide services and programmes to help children, young people and families build their lives, hope and futures.
As part of their ongoing plans to increase fundraising as well as provide communication updates to supporters and networks, they have established a Friends of YMCA Chelmsford group.
The objects of the Friends group are to aid the charitable objectives of YMCA Chelmsford and to support the children, young people and families who access its services.
The following leaflet outlines more details about the Friends, which includes a joining form and standing order form to complete and return. Friends of YMCA Chelmsford leaflet
In addition, they are holding a special exciting launch event on Saturday 1st November at YMCA Chelmsford in Victoria Road from 2pm – 6pm.
This will be a “Roots” event. Anyone who has ever had a contact, involvement, attendance or connection with the YMCA in Chelmsford is encouraged to come along and share their memories and experiences of the YMCA. There will be an exhibition of photos, memorabilia, minute books and other interesting artefacts which relate to their history and work. In addition, there will be refreshments as well as current staff and trustees on hand to listen to your experience as well as provide input for how their work, mission and vision are progressing today.