Please see the latest correspondence from Essex County Council on Day Opportunities and Redesign Events.
Dear All/ Providers,
ECC Day Opportunities Re-design – You Said, We Did
“We last contacted you in May 2014 to ask for involvement from you and your service users in the public consultation for Day Opportunities. Consultation with current day opportunities service users, carers, family members and members of the public was undertaken from May to July 2014. We also held a series of focus groups.
Thank you all for your engagement and support with the consultation. The consultation closed at the end of July and we have been reviewing the information received. We wanted to keep you informed on the next steps.
The consultation has helped us to better understand how current service users use and benefit from their day opportunity and what, if anything, they would like to be improved to enable their independence.
The consultation reports which sets out the outcome of the consultation and how we plan to take forward some of the issues raised, is now available to view on Essex Insight at:
Informed by this consultation Essex County Council will now commence the procurement process to implement a Day Opportunities Framework Agreement.
Essex County Council is inviting Expressions of Interest from suitably experienced organisations to provide Day Opportunities Services for vulnerable adults under a Framework Agreement via a Best Valued Ranked List. The services will offer outcome focussed support to assist people to maintain/increase independence and to provide opportunities for social inclusion for vulnerable adults. Currently, Essex County Council supports approximately 2,100 vulnerable people in Day Opportunities.
We are looking for organisations that will be able to deliver any or all of the following types of Day Opportunities services across Essex:
- Centre based opportunities
- Community based opportunities
- Work based training
It is not our expectation that all suppliers will have to deliver all of the above services or even provide services County-wide.
To express an interest you will need to, if not already done so, register on Ariba ( and email your organisation’s details and AN number to so we can give you access to download all the relevant documentation.
The tender will be published during week commencing 29th September 2014. Please note your entire submission must be submitted by 28th November 2014.
Essex County Council is holding provider events to explain how to submit your bid. There are still some space left at the following venues / times.
County Hall, Chelmsford 06/10/14 – 13:00 – 14:30
Ely House, Basildon 08/10/14 – 13:00 – 14:30
Goodman House, Harlow 10/10/14 – 09:30 – 11:00
Goodman House, Harlow 10/10/14 – 11:30 – 13:00
To book a place on any of these please email
Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Once again, thank you for your help and support during the consultation process.
Day Opportunities Redesign Team”