The Way Ahead – What’s your view?

NHS Mid Essex CCG have launched a public consultation seeking views on their five-year plan, the two-year financial recovery plan and a few areas where they are proposing changes that have a significant impact on patients – including immediate care.

The five-year plan sets out a series of innovative transformation programmes designed to improve health and meet the rising demands of our growing population.

The transformation programmes cover every stage of life including:

  •  Children and Young People
  • Living Safe and Well
  • Mental Health
  • Immediate Care – including plans for the North Chelmsford Walk-In Centre
  • Long term conditions
  • Frailty
  • End of life care

The two-year plan relies on a series of schemes which are designed to release savings relatively quickly.

They are encouraging people to get involved on lots of levels including online feedback forms, open workshops, meetings and getting involved with future developments through the CCG involvement network.

You are encouraged to submit your views online or to the CCG offices.

Full details on how to have your say, including dates for open public discussion workshops, are given on the website www.midessexccg.nhs.uk/public-consultations  and in the consultation document NHS Mid Essex CCG The_Way_Ahead_-_Healthcare_commissioning_plans

The dates for the open workshops are as follows:


28th JULY            7-9pm   Maldon Town Hall, Market Hill, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4RL

29th JULY            7-9pm   Spring Lodge, Powers Hall End, Witham CM8 2HE

30th JULY            2-4pm   Cathedral Chapter House, Cathedral Walk, Chelmsford, CM1 1NX

4th SEPTEMBER 7-9pm   Club Woodham, 5-7 Baron Road, South Woodham Ferrers, CM3 5XQ

8th SEPTEMBER 2-4pm   Maldon Town Hall, Market Hill, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4RL

10th SEPTEMBER              7-9pm   Cathedral Chapter House, Cathedral Walk, Chelmsford, CM1 1NX

11th SEPTEMBER              7-9pm   Council Chamber, Braintree Town Hall, Fairfield Road, Braintree, CM7 3YG,

For a poster with the workshops please see: Mid Essex CCG Workshops Flyer v2 17 July 14 final

To register for the events listed above please visit www.midessexccg.nhs.uk/public-consultation/public-workshops

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