94.1% of people believe more role models are needed.
Press release from ecdp.
“In January and February 2014 ecdp delivered a series of Future Focus events to discover the experiences and opinions of young disabled people in Essex. We were funded and supported by Healthwatch Essex for this work. We held 4 focus groups across Mid Essex, North West Essex and South Essex,
talking to 44 young disabled people.
The four sessions engaged with the following impairment groups:
• A pan-impairment group at ecdp, Chelmsford
• A mental health group at The Jubilee Centre, Southend
• A learning difficulty group at Columbus College, Chelmsford
• A physical and sensory group at Thaxted Centre for the Disabled,
Future Focus. Engaging tomorrow’s leaders in today’s policy.
“Our report Future Focus. Engaging tomorrow’s leaders in today’s policy
draws together our findings. We identified the key barriers, challenges and
enablers that young disabled people face today.
The five themes that have emerged as a result of this work include: access,
which is still unsatisfactory for many young people who experience disability;
that attitudes and perceptions towards disability still need to be more positive;
that most young people have a desire to work but more needs to be done to
support young disabled people to find work; that there is a need for more
accessible sports and social activities; and social activities; and finally, that experiences of health care services remain extremely mixed.”
For a copy of the report please see: ecdp Future Focus – engaging tomorrows leaders May 2014