Heritage Rooom – The heritage room ( Archive group) is open Tuesdays from 1.30pm –3.30pm and Sundays 11.00am to 1.00pm, this is run by some very knowledgeable people who are keen on Galleywood history and family trees. So if you would like to know more about Galleywood please pop in. Contact is Wendy Cummin email: wendy.gf@blueyonder.co.uk
Galleywood Talks – The Talks begin at 1.30pm in the main hall and cost £3.
- JUNE 24th – A year in the life of Galleywood Common and its management by Malcolm Stuart
- SEPTEMBER 16th – The grave of the unknown warrior – a princely Saxon burial at Broomfield by Christine and Les Whybro
- OCTOBER 21ST – The Somme and Ypres – a personal journey by John Cummin and Wendy Cummin
- NOVEMBER 25th – Some of the casualties on Galleywood’s War memorial by Christine & Les Whybro & Wendy Cummin
The Galleywood Festival – Held in different locations in Galleywood on 6th, 11th , 12th and 13th July. The 6th July is the open gardens and the Heritage Centre will participating in events on the other three days.
WW1 – Exhibition to commemorate the outbreak of WW1 November 8th and 9th FREE Entrance, programmes will be on sale – If anybody living in Galleywood has a relative who died in WW1 and would like them to be remembered at this event please contact Wendy Cummin on email wendy.gf@blueyonder.co.uk
Membership Fees – If you would like to become a friend and help the Galleywood Heritage Centre to continue to be a success, please contact the details below and they will send you a form to complete. If you have any unwanted presents that would be suitable for raffle prizes/tombola prizes these would be appreciated. They we are looking for volunteers in their tearoom or gardens on an occasional basis. So if you can spare the occasional hour and enjoy gardening & meeting new people.
Galleywood Heritage Centre
Office Hours 9.00am – 1.00pm Monday to Friday
Telephone: 01245 357700 Email: mail@galleywoodheritagecentre.org.uk
Web: www.galleywoodheritagecentre.org.uk