On 31 March NAVCA launched an independent Commission to look at the future of local infrastructure.
From March – October this evidence-based inquiry will examine existing local voluntary and community infrastructure and the challenges and opportunities it is likely to face in the coming years.
The Commission will gather evidence from current infrastructure providers, charities and community groups, public sector bodies, the private sector, academics and other interested parties. A number of evidence-gathering sessions will be held across England and will report back in the Autumn. The final report will be launched in December 2014.
Further information about the Commission, including the terms of reference, Commission members and research plan can be found on the NAVCA website http://www.navca.org.uk/commission
There are a number of ways individuals and organisations can get involved in the Commission:
1. Attend an open evidence-gathering event http://www.navca.org.uk/commission-events
2. Complete and share the evidence-gathering survey by 23 May https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/vcssupport
3. Collect responses at local events. If you have any events taking place before 27 June where you may be able to collect evidence, please send this through to policy@navca.org.uk . You may find it useful to use the questions from the evidence-gathering survey as a guide;
4. Evidence the value of your work. Do you have any State of the Sector reports or other evidence that may be useful to the Commission? Please send these to policy@navca.org.uk by 27 June.