Community Response: Ukraine

Help for Ukraine

We have been contacted by many people wishing to help, and we have taken advice from charities that already work in the country. All are currently seeking donations of funds.

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) launches appeals during times of monumental suffering, which is the case in Ukraine right now.  Please donate at: 13 DEC member groups who are already working in the area will benefit from the funds raised.

Here in Chelmsford we have a charity called Big Love who are heading out there this week but they are not requesting items to be collected at this stage “Because the pound is strong against the Romanian and Moldovan currency we are resourcing those teams to buy coats, baby clothes, blankets and water and as our partners are near the border they can quickly distribute resource needed.” 

You can donate to their Ukraine Appeal here and view a video message from the founder here: Big Love (@biglovecharity)

There is more information and a number of very useful resources here for charities and civil society organisations that wish to help Ukraine: NCVO 

A useful list of local support services and groups is being maintained by St Luke’s Church in Moulsham. Click on the following link and download the latest version of their Info Sheet: LINK

Information for Sponsors and Hosts:

Essex County Council has produced information packs for sponsors and hosts in each district. You can download this here: LINK


Page Updated: August 2022